Professional Services
The expertise and experience at Gibbens & Associates, LLC is unmatched in the industry and offers our clients an opportunity to understand, likely for the first time, a complete picture of what their compliance obligations truly ARE or ARE NOT.
At Gibbens and Associates, we provide:
- Expert Consulting
- Expert Witness
- Property Compliance Inspections
- CASp Inspected Site and CASp Determination Pending Site Inspections
- Plan Review
- Seminars and Training
- Publications and Educational Materials
- And More!
Competent access consulting demands knowing both what IS and what IS NOT required in a particular situation. The term “ADA” is oftentimes used incorrectly as a catchword for other disabled access laws or building requirements that may or may not also be applicable to a particular entity or building.
The determination as to whether or not a particular facility or entity “complies” with the law(s) can require a complex investigation into the construction history of the facilities in question and an expert understanding of what was or was not required by differing state and /or federal accessibility provisions at a given point or points in time.
- Property Compliance Inspections-written and/or verbal reports
- Plan Check
- Equivalent Facilitation Requests/Unreasonable Hardship Applications
- On-site construction management-barrier removal
- Seminars and in-house training (MCLE (State Bar), CES (AIA), CEU (ICC)
- Educational talks for organizations (Chambers of Commerce, Professional Associations)
- Publications and educational materials